The Lost Melody by Joanna Davidson Politano
Genre: Historical Fiction
Publisher: Bethany House
Publication Year: 2022
5 Stars

Have you seen a more gorgeous cover? I swear, cover designers are upping the game and I am SO HERE FOR IT.
But the stunning cover hid an even more stunning story within it’s pages.
With some Jane Eyre gothic Victorian vibes, this beautiful book wove madness, mental illness, music and individual gifts into a story that impacted me deeply.
The plot is far too complex to even try to explain in a short period of time, but Joanna’s writing style is something that brings me so much joy and life.
“It’s more. You give people permission to be themselves – whatever odd collection of cracks and fissures and paint smears they have. There’s true freedom in that.” A few more paces and I looked up at him. “It’s a rare and beautiful thing to see potential in these people, but you see more – you see value.”
The Lost Melody by Joanna Davidson Politano
I grew up reading classics and books written in the Victorian era, their descriptions and wordy approach to writing always lit my soul up. And Politano’s books fill that niche. Her prose is some of the most beautiful I have ever read and several of her books sit on my favorite’s shelf.
With a beautiful description and pacing, the story doesn’t lose any of it’s suspense as I was on the EDGE of my seat nearly the whole time. With some Alice in Wonderland vibes that make you wonder if the character is going mad after all, this book explores some of the harsh, but human filled mental asylums that dotted the English Countryside in the Victorian era.
And while some might say the story is a little on the more troubling and darker side, that made the light and hope shine all the brighter. Which was in fact, the entire theme of the book. This story touched me in so many ways and filled my spirit with hope for the future, as well as gave me a beautiful perspective of what it truly means to serve where you are placed, to love deeply, to use the gifts God has given you to glorify Him and bless those around you, and to look for the humanity and the heart beating behind every mask of pain and suffering.
This book may just change your life and perspective. I know it did mine.
If you love deeply moving, suspenseful, and somewhat gothic reads, then this one is for you!
Content: An insane asylum where people are often held against their will. Some frightening elements as a result. Mention of ghosts (no real ones included)